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¡100% acción! En este video no encontrarás largas explicaciones habladas. 40 minutos a alto ritmo, donde se explican las técnicas de puño más comúnmente usadas en Jeet Kune Do, tal y como fue enseñado por Sifu Ted Wong.
Un contenido didáctico donde se muestra la alineación de cada golpe, la ejecución de las técnicas, los principales errores que el estudiante debe evitar cometer, algunas de las aplicaciones comunes en una pelea y la correcta colocación del focus mitts para poder entrenarlo de manera adecuada. ¡Toda la información para que el estudiante no adquiera malos hábitos y pueda progresar en su entrenamiento!
«Tu arma principal: el directo adelantado». Con sus variantes: desde corta distancia, con quick shift, en retirada y directo al cuerpo.
«La perfecta combinación: el cross», con su variante de cross al cuerpo.
«Los golpes de brazo recogido: los ganchos y el uppercut». Incluye: gancho adelantado, gancho atrasado, gancho horizontal, el gancho sacacorchos, el gancho de pala y uppercut.
«La importancia de la precisión: el backfist y el Finger jab».
¡Acceso ilimitado! Podrás ver el video siempre que quieras y sin restricción de tiempo
100% action! In this video you will not find long spoken explanations. 40 minutes at a high pace, where most commonly used the hand techniques in Jeet Kune Do are explained, as taught by Sifu Ted Wong.
Educational contents presents the alignment of each blow, the execution of the techniques, the main mistakes that the student should avoid, some of the common applications in combat situations and the correct placement of the focus mitts in order to be able to practice it properly. Including all the necessary information so that the student would not acquire bad habits and can progress in his training!
«Your main weapon: The Straight Lead» with its variations: from a short distance, with quick shift, while retreating and direct to the body.
«The perfect combination: The Cross», with its variation: the cross to the body.
«The bent-arm blows: hooks and the uppercut». Includes: lead hook, rear hook, horizontal hook, the corkscrew hook, shovel hook and the uppercut.
«The importance of precision: The Backfist and the Finger Jab».
41 Replies to “JKD Way of Simplicity 1. Hand Techniques.”
Absolutely AMAZING!!! This is a true masterpiece made by a great Master!!! Thank You Sifu Joaquin Marcelo!!!
Grande lavoro di sifu Joaquin Marcelo, ottimo per incrementare le potenzialità, per evitare errori comuni, per imparare anche se non si ha la fortuna di poterlo incontrare.
Grazie mille del lavoro che hai fatto per tutti.
This is absolutely a masterpiece created by my master Sifu Joaquin Marcelo. Excellent presentation of the techniques with detailed explanation. Joaquin Marcelo is one of the best JKD instructors in the world.
this video is excellent both from an educational and technical point of view …..
Ottimo!!!! Un ottimo lavoro creato da un Ottimo Maestro che mostra la sua dedizione assoluta e seria nell’arte del JKD. Grazie Sifu Joaquin Marcelo.
Excelente, un trabajo minucioso y completo. Gracias!!
Great videos!
Highly recommended video, made by one of the best JKD practioners around!
Excellent video Joaquin, I’m really pleased with the quality and great companion to the book! Looking forward to the next one!
Eccellente! Questo video è un capolavoro! tratta tutti gli aspetti in modo chiaro ed esauriente! Mostra la corretta esecuzione e gli errori comuni da evitare, le applicazioni delle tecniche e il corretto uso dei colpitori! Consigliatissimo
Un trabajo impresionante,e imprescindible.
Excelente !!!! 💯
Exelente los videos. Tremendo complemento del libro y una gran herramienta para trabajar mi JKD.
Ottimi video, spiegati alla perfezione e nei mini particolari. Complimenti al Maestro J.Marcelo per la sua dedizione e la sua serietà che lo contraddistingue. Grazie.
Muy buen trabajo y material para el aprendizaje del JKD, ENHORABUENA Joaquín. Y gracias por tu dedicación
Excelente trabajo!
Un material necesario para el aprendizaje del Jeet Kune Do, necesario si se quiere comenzar con este arte de la forma correcta. Sin añadiduras, sin atajos… Conservando la verdadera esenia del JKD puro en cada uno de los movimientos de sus técnicas. Un material del que todo buen practicante de JKD ha de tener en su hemeroteca marcial.
100% JKD, 100% Recomendable…
Tengo cerca de 30 años de experiencia en artes marciales y afirmó que este es el entrenamiento técnico más eficaz que he encontrado en mi vida.
So far, this is the best instructor I have ever met. The Jeet kune do technology shown in the video is excellent. It is highly recommended! fabulous!!!
Fantastic video. Higly recomended
Excelente ejecución de manos de Sifu Joaquín, superando expectativas! De lo mejor en el mundo ,y en el mundo del JKD!
I’m not sure account money enough.Please kindly check my card work this matter.
Grandissimo lavoro svolto da Sifu Joaquin, che vi seguirà passo passo nel comprendere al meglio questo meraviglioso percorso…
Un video che associato alla grandezza del libro La via della semplicità sempre scritto da Sifu joaquin “che trovate in Italiano, inglese, spagnolo” può solo aiutarci a comprendere la bellissima arte del JEET KUNE DO…
grazie 🙏🏻
I have the book which is really great and the videos are monstrous but I had no doubts, I knew the videos would be awesome. Very satisfied with my purchase.
Very great Sifu and see you soon.
Best Regards
Excelente video recomendable para el que desee aprender los verdaderos conceptos del arte del Jeet kune do. Como lo daba sifú Ted Wond y usted en el presente.
Mis respetos y admiración
Mil gracias.
Un material IMPRESCINDIBLE presentado de una forma visualmente muy pedagógica. Un trabajo exhaustivo, minimalista y eficazmente enfocado. El legado marcial de Bruce Lee en su última etapa de desarrollo. Un tesoro audiovisual de la mano del mejor exponente del jeet kune do a nivel mundial.
Excelente, o sifu joaquin marcelo tem uma técnica incrível e consegue explicar em poucas palavras. Altamente recomendável a qualquer praticante de artes marciais/ou de JKD. Só Gratidão por Compartilhar sua arte conosco sifu. Gracias 🙏
I had done just a first look and like the book the videos are really well done with a lot of dectails and explanation..
The only remark I have is that are in Spanish and considering are for an international audience my suggestion is to made at least in English
The comments of the video are in three languages: English, Spanish and Italian. You just have to choose your language.
Video fantastico! Le tecniche vengono spiegate in maniera chiara e semplice! Grazie Sifu!
Great instructional video. Just what I was looking for. Thank you
Superb quality service and superb quality content
Great stuff, exceeded expectations, very clear explanations. No filler, no small talk. Detailed demonstrations of body mechanics for achieving power for each type of punch. I wouldn’t want to be that guy he is demonstrating on, WOW!
Thanks! simply and clearly explained techniques!
The content is short, so one won’t get detailed explanations of the techniques. One’s best bet is to subscribe to the Instructor’s 14 lesson course that’s far superior to any JKD online course currently available.
Amazing, thank you sifu joaquin and all team
Great video thank you sifu joaquin marselo 😊🌹